Seattle IT Employees Only

How It Works

This is procurement request portal for Seattle IT Employees Only. You will be required to sign in via Active Directory to gain access. This is a work in progress. If you have any suggestions let us know. You will NEED to know who needs to approve your request.

How it Works

Choose # of Approvers

In order to complete the form you will need to know which Low Org is funding the request as well as ALL approvers and their Full Names and Emails. Then you simply choose how many Approvers are required on the request.

Log in via Active Directory

You will need to login via Active Directory to authenticate your access. We will automatically pull in your Name, Email and Title which will be logged with the submission request.

Complete the Form

We have created a simple interactive form wizard that will only ask you questions pertinent your situation. The form can be completed easily from any device.

Signer Notifications

All appropriate signers will be notified that they are next in line to Sign off on the Approval.


What if my request is denied?

If your request is denied the Approver will have the option to Deny for signature and input a reason for denial. You will automatically be notified of denial via email.

Do I need to know who is going to approve my request before submission?

Yes! Currently you will be required to know who needs to Approve your request before submission. There is a different form for 1 Approver and for 2 Approvers.